sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum -y update sudo reboot wget -O sudo sh YOUR_IPSEC_PSK='' YOUR_USERNAME='' YOUR_PASSWORD='' he ipsec service is currently disabled. To enable this service issue: systemctl enable ipsec.service ********************************************************************** ../../OBJ.linux.x86_64/testing/enumcheck/enumcheck -> /usr/local/libexec/ipsec/enumcheck ## Creating VPN configuration.. ## Updating sysctl settings.. ## Updating IPTables rules... ## Enabling services on boot... ## Starting services... ================================================ IPsec VPN server is now ready for use! Connect to your new VPN with these details: Server IP: IPsec PSK: EvA6M5wDZw4kbgL8 Username: vpnuser Password: TNotmZ7EmGyRa2CY Write these down. You'll need them to connect!